
  • AI Uncovers the Origins of COVID-19

    AI Uncovers the Origins of COVID-19

    A new study using artificial intelligence (AI) has revealed a surprising possibility about the origins of COVID-19. Instead of coming from wild animals like bats or pangolins, the research suggests that the virus may have formed from a fusion of two rare human diseases. This study utilized an advanced technology called max-logistic intelligence to analyze…

  • Bird Flu H5N1 vs Regular Flu: What’s the Difference?

    Bird Flu H5N1 vs Regular Flu: What’s the Difference?

    Have you ever heard of bird flu? If you have, you probably know it’s very different from the regular flu that hits us every season. But what exactly makes bird flu different from the regular flu? Let’s dive into the main differences based on reliable sources to help you understand better. 1. Causes and How…