black hole
Deep-Sea Telescope Detects Ultra-Energetic Neutrino
The world of science is buzzing with excitement over an extraordinary discovery! On February 13, 2023, a super high-energy neutrino—estimated at 220 PeV (220 million billion electron volts)—was detected by the KM3NeT neutrino telescope deep under the sea. This is the first detection of its kind, proving that such high-energy neutrinos exist in the universe.…
Scientists Discover the Longest Black Hole Jet in the Early Universe
Astronomers have just found something amazing in the early universe: a gigantic jet shot out by a black hole, and it’s twice as long as our Milky Way galaxy! This jet stretches an incredible 200,000 light-years, even though it comes from a black hole that isn’t actually that big for a quasar. A Super-Long Jet…