Space Writing Demo
NASA Raises Alarm, 3.1% Chance of Asteroid 2024 YR4 Hitting Earth
After a week of bright skies due to the full moon, astronomers can finally observe asteroid 2024 YR4 again. With darker skies, ground-based telescopes have a better chance of spotting these faint space rocks that are usually hard to detect. NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California has…
First Disabled Astronaut Ready for Space Mission
Who would have thought that a former Paralympian could become an astronaut? John McFall, once a sprinter and now a surgeon, has officially become the first disabled astronaut to be cleared for a mission to the International Space Station (ISS). This decision came after a series of feasibility tests conducted by the European Space Agency…
Ilmuwan Berhasil Memotret “Jalan Tol” Alam Semesta
Bayangin ada jalan-jalan super panjang di luar angkasa yang menghubungkan galaksi-galaksi—dan akhirnya, para ilmuwan berhasil memotretnya! Untuk pertama kalinya, mereka menangkap gambar langsung dari sebuah filamen kosmik sepanjang 3 juta tahun cahaya yang menghubungkan dua galaksi jauh. Tim peneliti internasional ini menggunakan alat canggih bernama MUSE di teleskop raksasa Very Large Telescope (VLT) di Chile.…
7 Bintang Misterius Ditemukan, Ilmuwan Curiga Buatan Alien
Pernah dengar tentang “Dyson Sphere”? Konsep ini pertama kali dikenalkan oleh fisikawan Freeman Dyson pada tahun 1960. Intinya, ini adalah megastruktur raksasa yang mengelilingi bintang untuk menyerap seluruh energinya. Ide ini muncul dari fiksi ilmiah, tapi para ilmuwan menganggapnya sebagai kemungkinan nyata bagi peradaban alien super canggih! Baru-baru ini, sekelompok ilmuwan mengamati sekitar 5 juta…
Investigating The Fastest Planetary System
Astronomers might have just discovered the fastest planetary system ever seen! A tiny star, possibly with a super-Neptune planet tagging along, is zooming through the Milky Way at an insane speed—about 1.2 million mph (1.9 million km/h). If it’s moving fast enough, this star could eventually escape our galaxy, dragging its planetary companion into intergalactic…
NASA’s Curiosity Rover Captures Colorful Clouds in Mars
Mars never ceases to amaze us! NASA’s Curiosity rover has captured stunning images of colorful clouds drifting across the Red Planet’s sky. These clouds, known as “noctilucent” or twilight clouds, only appear when the sun begins to set. Icy Clouds in the Martian Sky These clouds aren’t like the ones we see on Earth. They…
Deep-Sea Telescope Detects Ultra-Energetic Neutrino
The world of science is buzzing with excitement over an extraordinary discovery! On February 13, 2023, a super high-energy neutrino—estimated at 220 PeV (220 million billion electron volts)—was detected by the KM3NeT neutrino telescope deep under the sea. This is the first detection of its kind, proving that such high-energy neutrinos exist in the universe.…
Einstein Was Right! Euclid Discovers Perfect Einstein Ring
Astronomers from the European Space Agency (ESA) have just captured a rare cosmic sight! Using the Euclid telescope, they managed to observe a phenomenon known as the “Einstein Ring” with unprecedented clarity. What’s even more exciting is that this discovery happened purely by chance while they were conducting initial tests on the telescope. What is…