Health Writing Demo
Eating Yogurt Reduce the Risk of Colon Cancer? Here’s What Research Says
Who would have thought that regularly enjoying yogurt could bring significant health benefits, especially in reducing the risk of colon cancer? A recent study found that people who consume live bacteria yogurt at least twice a week have a 20% lower chance of developing a certain type of colon cancer. What’s the Connection Between Yogurt…
Pil KB Tingkatkan Risiko Serangan Jantung?
Buat para wanita yang pakai kontrasepsi hormonal, ada kabar yang perlu kamu tahu! Sebuah studi terbaru dari Denmark menemukan bahwa beberapa jenis alat kontrasepsi seperti pil KB, cincin vagina, dan patch kulit bisa meningkatkan risiko stroke iskemik dan serangan jantung. Wah, serius? Apa Kata Penelitian?Peneliti mempelajari data lebih dari 2 juta perempuan di Denmark selama…
AI Uncovers the Origins of COVID-19
A new study using artificial intelligence (AI) has revealed a surprising possibility about the origins of COVID-19. Instead of coming from wild animals like bats or pangolins, the research suggests that the virus may have formed from a fusion of two rare human diseases. This study utilized an advanced technology called max-logistic intelligence to analyze…
Skrining Kanker Telah Selamatkan Banyak Nyawa
Sebuah penelitian dari National Institutes of Health (NIH) menunjukkan bahwa pencegahan dan skrining kanker telah menyelamatkan lebih banyak nyawa dibandingkan pengobatan dalam 45 tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini meneliti lima jenis kanker yang paling umum menyebabkan kematian, yaitu kanker payudara, serviks, usus besar, paru-paru, dan prostat. Para peneliti menemukan bahwa dari 5,94 juta kematian akibat kanker…
Computer Helps Identify Cells That Can Fight Cancer
A research team from Johns Hopkins has developed an advanced computer model called MANAscore that helps identify immune cells involved in fighting lung cancer. This model could help determine whether a patient will respond to immunotherapy. Not only that, but this technology could also pave the way for new biomarkers and more effective combination therapies!…
Meditasi Bisa Bantu Atur Emosi dan Ingatan
Sebuah penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa meditasi, khususnya meditasi “loving-kindness” atau kasih sayang, bisa mengubah aktivitas otak di bagian amigdala dan hipokampus. Dua area otak ini berperan penting dalam mengatur emosi dan memori. Penelitian ini memberikan harapan bahwa meditasi bisa menjadi cara alami untuk meningkatkan kesehatan mental. Penelitian yang Menarik Tim peneliti dari Icahn School of…
Impact of Bird Flu on the Poultry Industry
Bird flu, or Avian Influenza (AI), particularly the highly pathogenic variant (HPAI), has been causing major disruptions to many countries, especially in the poultry sector. Over the past few years, bird flu outbreaks, including those in the United States, have had a massive economic impact, particularly on the chicken and egg industries. But what exactly…
Protecting Your Pets from Bird Flu H5N1
Bird flu, or avian influenza, is commonly associated with poultry, but it’s important to know that this virus can also affect our pets. One particularly dangerous strain is H5N1, which can spread to various animals, including cats and dogs. As pet owners, it’s crucial to understand how to protect your furry friends from infection and…